Thursday, November 12, 2009

On the road again, I just wait to get on the road again!

I am so happy! The husband should be home at about 9 pm this evening.

He is so in demand at work that I think sometime she wishes he could cut himself in half to get more done, but today he is on the road again....Can't wait to see you honey!

Tomorrow his Veteran's Day dinner I promised him!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank you.

Thank you will never be enough, but those are the only words that I can udder today.

Thank you to our Veteran's, thank you to those who are serving and than k you to the families that wait for their loved ones to come home from war so that we may have our freedom.

And well thank you to my husband who served our country proudly! He is ARMY STRONG!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quiet Night

So it is another quiet night on the home front tonight. Brandon is back in Yuma and not for the last time. I have realized how far I have come in the last two years. And may I gloat and say I am proud of myself!

About two years ago I was still a newlywed and was well, still living at home with my parents. My husband was of course in Yuma and I didn't feel safe staying at our home by myself. So tonight, I sit alone with my two dogs and no husband at home and I have to say I like the break. Don't get me wrong, I miss him like crazy and can't wait for him to come home, but I like not having to cook big meals, do his laundry and remake the entire bed do to his nightly fight with the sheets. I do miss out meals together, our chats, our watching TV and chatting more then watching and well watching him play with the puppies!! I miss having a husband at home.

But, absence can make the heart grow stronger and I it does. AS much as I enjoy the little "break" and the fact I have really grow as a person and as a woman in the past two years, I am proud I can now enjoy a quiet night in my home with my puppies and looking forward to the big meal I will cook for him when he gets home, the laundry I will do and the bed I will gladly make because I was lucky enough to safely sleep next to my best friend!