Friday, November 21, 2008

Good Days and Sad Days

Well these days are a mix of good and bad and sad. Bran is out of town on business for 6 days; I HATE being home alone and it is so quiet. I am very thankful for the dogs. They keep it loud and busy around here, but they don't fill the other side of the bed like a husband. I keep telling myself that it is better to miss him and it will help our relationship grow.

That is my sad part, but I have good parts of these days as well. It has been a busy week with a great Board meeting for the fair with some really exciting changes possible, I am taking on some new roles at church (can't talk about that for a month or so) and I was able to lunch with my bestest friend Adrienne and the cutest baby in the world C today and then I tended to C for a little while and then A and I shopped!! We bought nothing, which is the exact amount I had to spend, nothing, but it was so fun. I so miss pointless chats with my "sister"!!!

So the good days and the sad days. I included of picture of my babies. These guys make me smile and laugh 50 times a day!!