Monday, July 14, 2008

Husbands...oh goofy husbands!

Husbands = goofy or at least mine does. I love him more then anything in the world, but oh he is the biggest little kid ever. Yes, that is my husband in the dog kennel! A few nights ago Brandon says " I am getting in the shower" IE, watch Ralf. So okay normal night...Ralf follows Brandon into the bathroom and likes to sleep on the bathmat when one of us is in the shower, so I figured that that is where he headed, no he went to his kennel. He only does this when he is REALLY tired and wants to be left alone, so I hear Brandon talking to someone after he got out of the shower and I found this in our bedroom. Brandon and his "little white rat dog" in the kennel having a "long talk" as I was told. Only my husband!! How sweet that he loves his little doggy so much!

Snuggling in bed together and yes, Bran has on Simpson's pj pants!

This is a picture from last night! Brandon has been working 12 hour days and hadn't been able to cut his hair for weeks, and Bran likes it cut once a week, thanks US Army, so he asked if I would cut it Saturday night, while as you could tell form my prior post, Bran and Jeffrey, who he is pictured with here, played Video Games, so Sunday night after we got home from Sunday night dinner with my parents, Bran said "PLEASE CUT THIS HAIR." So I went and got Jeffrey because he wanted to watch and then we started the shaving process. I am not a big fan of the shaved head, but when he has to wear a hard hat for 12 hours a day, this is the most comfy hair cut. Well this inspired Jeffrey whose hair was SO long, I wish I would have taken a before and after picture, to shave his head as well. His parents were so excited that he cut it off! I think he wants to be like Bran!! Leave it to my husband, crawl into kennel one night and shave head another, my house will never be normal, but what fun would that be!


Adrienne said...

So Brandon!! I love it!