Wednesday, March 12, 2008 was a little weird.......

So I posted last week about the emergency dental work that my husband had to have done, well round one completed and it didn't work, but my prayers were answered and the dentist did wonders with the insurance company. Friday's root canal that didn't work was of no charge yes, re-read that again no charge so the $215 I paid was reallocated to today's horrible and painful procedure that my husband endured and I only had to pay another $89.90 and he is home, in pain and unable to take pain killer....they do bad things to my husbands head!

Well, just wanted to you give a recap pf my day.

8:00 am up late since we don't have to be at the dentist until9:30

9:30 am arrive at dentist. Pay my $89.90. Truly a pray has been answered. We don't have the extra cash for this at the moment.

9:40 Leave and go to buy Ralf his sticks. This saves us major money on house hold items being eaten.

10- 11 am. wait at home for the call from the dentist. Update Mom and Aunt Debbie and A on Brandon being at the dentist.

11 am pick up husband....he doesn't look great.take him home and head to Costco for drugs and mouth wash.

12 pm. Arrive home and drug husband and get him in the routine of 15 min of ice, 15 off. He isn't keen on this!

1 pm. Pick-up Sarah and head to McD's for the 40, yes read that again 40 chicken McNuggets that the husband has requested. This tells me he is sick....he only likes McD's when he is really sick, but how oh how does he eat after having his gum cut open, bone removed, root canal from the top of the tooth and then being put back together.....all 40 gone in 10 minutes!
head to Curves. I need to de-stress after this activity of dental work on the husband!

2:30. arrive home after dropping Sarah off and check on husband; A tad cranky, better to leave him alone; time to go and have my eyebrows waxed. (I have had the appointment for 4 weeks so I wasn't about to cancel and my face needed the love).

3:15. arrive home to clean kitchen and bedroom and then jump in shower.

4:30.head over to pick up Sarah once again to head to my mom's to grab the Sloppy Joe's that we are serving at church for dinner for Lenten service. Mom had been cooking all day and it took two of us to carry the pot to the car. Take call from business partner who forgot I am off Wed and Thur do to husband being in pain!

5 - 8:30 Dinner, church and choir (husband told me to go; I think he was happy being alone with the dog; in peace)

8:35 Arrive home and get online. Needed to read my and de-stress again. husband requests a box of mac and cheese for dinner. he cooks it and then i stirred it all together for him. he eats the entire box. I then suggest ice cream. yummy idea he thought! dished out treat and let sit on counter for 20 minutes to soften. Eats 1/2 gallon I think!

10:12 sitting here typing this blog in amazement of what my husband has gone though today and what he has eaten. At least he has eaten something!

I am truly proud of him and so blessed to call him mine. His strength and courage today has amazed me.

So, thanks for reading about my weird and crazy day! Just a really weird Wednesday!

Lets see what Thursday brings me in way of feeding the husband.........................


Adrienne said...

Hi hon! I am so glad he's feeling ok - are you serious about the $89? Is that all you have to pay? What great news, what a huge blessing!!!!!!!!

Love you tonz. Per the dr., still 1 cm, but 25%-50% effaced and he's moved down more, so hey we are making progress!

T J V said...

whoa! if that's how he eats when he is sick and in pain i can't imagine how you keep anything in your fridge at all when he is feeling good, haha! and seriously sweet blessings on the cost!

Lechelle said...

Poor babe!! i hope he feels better soon.

Good news about the $. :)