Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Time to Play!

As it is the day after is time to play with all of our awesome gifts! I had a great time last night shredding paper with my new paper shredder with my new slippers on! Thanks honey for giving me all the gifts I asked for on the Post-it note!

But, tonight Brandon started to see what the new Pentax Digital Camera I bough him would do. How awesome are these you can see the new lights in my kitchen and our little tree. I really have enjoyed our little tree. Any ways, I hope everyone is enjoying the gifts they received.

Panoramic View of the New Kitchen Lights! I can see!!!!

Panoramic View of the living room

Our little tree and Santa! Thanks mom for the decorations!


Lechelle said...

Your house is lovely Court! I'm so glad you had such a good Christmas.

T J V said...

yeah your first married couple christmas! so fun. and you are going to love the panorama feature on your camara on hikes and camping and such. we have that on our camera and took some awesome shots of Glacier Nat. Park with it. Happy New Year!

T J V said...
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