Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wedding Survey

Marriage Questionnaire

1.Who is your man? Brandon

2. How long have you been together? 2 years and one month

3. How long did you date? 1 year

4. How old is your man? 26; he is 341 days younger then me...I like to be the older woman

5. Who eats more? Hello!!! Brandon can eat an entire steer if he is hungry enough!

6. Who said "I love you" first? I am not totally sure who said it first, but I think it was Brandon at his house in Gilroy and he said he was falling in love with me.

7. Who is taller? Brandon

8. Who sings better? ME! There is a reason I am in the church choir....

9. Who is smarter? Degree wise, me but Brandon has an amazing amount of knowledge from life. Thank you United States Army!!

10. Whose temper is worse? Mine.

11. Who does the dishes? Brandon clears the table and I put them in the dish washer...I don't like how he loads it :-)

12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me

13. Who pays the bills? I do.

14. Who is better at the computer? Even I think....Brandon just doesn't like using them

15. Who mows the lawn? The lawn guys...thank goodness!

16. Who cooks dinner? Joint effort

17. Who drives when you are together? Mostly Brandon

18. Who pays when you go out? Brandon

19. Who is more stubborn? I don't think either on of us!

20. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me after a fit occurs

21. Whose parents do you see most? Mom and Dad Leonard....we thank god for them daily!

22. Who kissed who first? Brandon kissed me in the San Jose Airport on the first date...don't ask!

23. Who asked who out? There was no asking out, I had to go to SJ Airport to pick up Wes and he went with me because I was afraid of getting lost.......

24. Who proposed? Brandon...."so you want to get married" while having a drink at the circle bar at the Paris in Vegas....I still love him since he let me pick out my rings!

25. Who is more sensitive? Hello, me.

26. Who has more friends? that is a hard one...we both know way to many people, but we have very few really close friends, we just cherish the ones we have!

27. Who has more siblings? Even, we both come from homes with two children, both one girl and one boy! I hope that means we get one of each since I have names for them already!!

Thanks A! That was fun!!

Hope you enjoyed, tagging everyone who wants to!