Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Why is it always that when work is the worse you need it to be the best! I am swapped at work and well the wedding is 9 days away. I seems like once I put out one fire the next fire starts. Oh well...that is what I get paid for .

But I have to say I am about to marry the most wonderful man. I had a meeting at the fair today and it didn't get out until 6:40pm. By the time I got home, Brandon had cleaned the house, fed the dog and was almost done making dinner. I am so blessed to call him mine.

Anyway...I am sure I will vent more on here over then next 9 days as I prepare for the wedding and try to close up all the lose ends in the office...

Thanks for listening :-) Oh and since I have no really cute pictures of anything...I figured you might like to see a baby picture of Brandon.....I hoep are kids look this cute someday!