I have been able to spend lots of time with these two guys!
Attended the 6th birthday of little miss Tayler! I held her at just a few weeks old.....I am getting old! Tayler is in the pink! Maggie is in the blue!!!
Helped Amanda get ready for her first Prom! She looked amazing!

We painted the living room with help from Molly, Maggie and Tayler!DIV>
I also had a wonderful time in May enjoying 2 days at Salinas Valley Fair! I love to go back and feel like I did in High School! Fair's are a true love of mine. It was so fun to help out Molly and I became an honorary member and mommy to Spring 4-H! Sorry no pictures to show you...forgot the camera :-(!
I took "my girls" Maggie and Molly to the CAPA Ballet in Carmel. They were perfoming Sleeping Beauty. My neighbor Amanda was one of the leads! Oh a fairy is so awesome in their eyes! It was beautiful and amazing!!
A new puppy arrived next door - Coby!!! He and Ralf have become fast friends! They have play dates at our house!!
I baked 80 cupcakes for Coffee Hour at church! Here is what 80 cupcakes looks like!!
It just makes me smile!!

I also had a wonderful time in May enjoying 2 days at Salinas Valley Fair! I love to go back and feel like I did in High School! Fair's are a true love of mine. It was so fun to help out Molly and I became an honorary member and mommy to Spring 4-H! Sorry no pictures to show you...forgot the camera :-(!
And we continue to spoil our Princess Annie!

Better get back to work!
Love, hugs and kisses to everyone!