Well yes.... I am Mrs. President...as of last night I am the President of the Monterey County Fair Board of Directors. I am rather proud if I do say so myself.....the board position is Governor appointed so I feel that I am making my mark at a very young age.
The first meeting of the year went great! IT lasted 50 minutes, had great discussion and I was congratulated on a GREAT first meeting by all on the board.....I am really excited!
SO mark you calendar...."Ride the Wave" to Monterey County Fair August 12-17, 2008!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Mrs. President
Posted by Courtney at 11:28 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Many blessings
What a great month January has been...oh and just a tad busy...sorry for the delay in posting!
January started off with a bang by celebrating my husband birthday on the 4th. A great family dinner with my parents of crock pot pot roast made it complete. After dinner my dad and husband had to run off to the country club to try to save a lake from overflowing....thanks crazy storm for cutting the birthday celebration short! But, we had a great time after he saved the day. He is such a blessing not only to me, but to my family! Love you honey!!
Then on the evening of January 6th, I flew to San Diego for the Western Fair Association Convention. It was a great convention with Monterey County Fair winning 5 awards, including Best Commercial which brought a tear to our eyes. There is nothing like seeing the commercial on a big screen during the closing Awards Dinner to make it feel like all the work has been worth it! The only bad part of this whole thing was the the Hotel and Conference Center we were at was NASTY....and NASTIER! I hope we never have to go back there! So I arrived home Friday morning and ended up having a little tummy flu over the weekend.
Which leads to today...planning for the rest of the month.....
Tomorrow is my first Board Meeting as President of the Monterey County Fair Board of Directors. I am excited and scared all at the same time. Saturday is going to be the best...shopping with A! I can't wait and then the calendar just seems to be getting fuller and fuller! On the 26th is A's baby shower. I am so excited to be helping with it, but sad at the same time as I know everyday that goes by is another day closer to her and her hubby moving 2 hours away...oh but then little baby W will come soon and I will just have to be up there a lot to help...because that is what an Auntie Courtney is for!
So I hope everyone is having a great 2008 so far....I have been blessed beyond words already!
Posted by Courtney at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Oh how important a bathroom is.....
Family and friends have been asking for pictures of our FINALLY completed bathroom! So here is the story. Before Brandon could move into our house, we (actually he) had to do a little remodel to our bathroom. It all started because the toilet would no longer flush! So here is the before and after. It took us almost and entire year to finish it...the Artwork on the walls was the finishing touches...and I I took all four of the small photo's....I guess I have a wish I was Ansel Adams!
The beautiful bathtub
Oh what a great vanityThe problem!!
And does it look different..................................
Posted by Courtney at 10:24 PM 1 comments