Monday, November 7, 2011

Well 11 Months Late

It has been 11 months since I updated the blog. I feel bad. I haven't documented the story like I want, but here it goes.....

My last post was of my little belly and we were at 26 weeks pregnant. I was having a great pregnancy and was so excited to meet Taron Christine at the end of February. But I woke up on December 3 and had blurry vision in my eye. I didn't feel really great so I call the OB and told them I was being a hypochondriac but still felt I should call. So at 10:40 I went in to see the on call doctor and to my surprise, I was a VERY sick woman. My blood pressure was 212/119. I was on the verge of a stroke or a seizure. I was taken across the street to the hospital and admitted. I of course called Brandon who was 2 hours away and told him to come home and my mom. But, as fate may have had it, my brother Bryan and his wife Monica were blessed with a bundle of joy on December 2, 2010....Miss Sophia and as I walked out of the elevator to the Labor and Delivery floor I see my brother on the phone with my Mom giving him an update. And I must say, I would have never gotten through it without him. He was my rock, my best friend and the best brother in the world. God's hand was working in great ways that day. So I was admitted, put on horrible drugs, seen my a Perinatologist, the Neonatologist came in and so did my OB. Blood work was started and the first thought was to keep me in the hospital until I was 37 10 weeks in the hospital, okay, but everything changed when my blood work came back. I had HELLP syndrome. My liver enzymes were a mess and my blood platelet count was VERY low. The baby had to be delivered and it had to be ASAP. Brandon, Mom and Pastor had all made it to the hospital by this point, the decision was made that Taron would be delivered by emergency c-section as soon as they could to save us both and I was wheeled away after an amazing blessing and prayer by Pastor and a stern comment from me to him the if he needed to Baptise Taron, he was to do it. I never though we would lose her, but I wanted him to be prepared if need be! So at 3:30 pm on December 3, 2010 a beautiful baby girl weighing 2 pounds 2 ounce was brought into this world by Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Nielsen and was taken by Dr. Castro to the NICU. The C-section was not fun. I was very sick and very drugged for the entire thing but just remember telling Brandon to go be with Taron. He was with Taron in the NICU and took the first picture of her. She was SO tiny, but strong. He came back to recovery and was with me there for some time and would jump back and forth between the two of us. I finally got back to my room about 5:30 Friday night and didn't sleep well. Saturday arrived, I was still on horrible meds but got to eat. Food was awesome, even hospital food. I still had not been able to meet Taron, but Brandon was giving me updates and Dr. Castro came to up date me as well. She did great and breathed on her own for 15 hours before then had to intibate her to give her meds for her longs to develop. Finally late Saturday afternoon I was wheeled upstairs to see our miracle. I still can't believe all of this happened, but God has a plan and MANY good things have come from  all of this tragedy. So that is the first two days of her life. She started out as a fighter and won the battle. Next post, the first 7 weeks of her the SVMH NICU.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beloved Taron Christine

There is little miss Taron Christine at 26 weeks in my tummy.

I am still really small for 26 weeks, but baby is great per the Doctor last week. The appointment was great until I agreed to a batch of vaccines. Ya, not a great idea. First was the flu shot and then the Whooping Cough, Tetanus, Diphtheria shot. Oh joy. I have felt horrible since I got them Wednesday mid-day.

I don't mean to complain, but I just still feel horrible and then yesterday I had to have my 1 hour Glucose test. Man once again, why does all this stuff make me feel so horrible. I still feel icky and I am wondering if it is still a combo of shots and glucose/fasting I had to do.

Okay, enough complaining. I think I need a nap or is it time to go back to Babies R Us and register for more fun stuff for my little Miss T.....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Special Thank You

Today I am a blessed woman to be able to say thank you to our Veteran’s, to have the freedom to say thank you and also am blessed to say thank you to an amazing husband who served our country for 4 active years and the 4 more inactive years.

I was hit this morning with many realities about what our service men and woman do for us. Sometimes it is the simple things that make us have the simplest moments of gratitude. I walked into the garage to feed the puppies this morning and saw my husband’s duffle bag. Most days this would mean, he is home and I need to start his laundry, but today the US Army logo and stitching made me say a little prayer of thanksgiving for him and all the service men and woman who have and do serve so we can have our freedoms. It also made me think of what he has seen and where that bag has taken him. It hit hard me hard this morning!

I am so thankful for the man my husband is and I am thankful that the Army helped him become that man. I also took a step back today and realized that Brandon being gone during the work week the last 5 weeks really is nothing of a hardship compared to the families that are without a loved one for months at a time and never really knowing if they will come home.

So on behalf of the Boyles Family I say thank you to the Veterans of the USA. You are forever in my prayer!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thankfulness and a new do!

As I start today, I must remind myself that I am a blessed woman beyond belief and that my husband being gone for the 5th week in a row is so that our little family can continue to grow and thrive! I am blessed. But, I will not is really hard when he is gone and I had the melt down about 10 days ago! The poor hubby was on the bad end of the meltdown.

I am also thankful for the fact I had the ability to VOTE today. So many people do not understand what a privilege a vote is. I thank my husband for fighting for our country so that we have this amazing ability to to cast a ballot as well as all of those past and present that fight for our freedoms, THANK YOU!

So back to my meltdown.....I needed to do something for myself so I cut my hair! Bad picture, sorry, but taking a picture of myself in a mirror with my cell phone, doesn't equal quality! So i decided that I needed to do a little something for me this week as well to keep sane and not melt on my beloved husband, so I have an appointment with the dear Amy and I will be getting a facial today. I am so excited. I think sometimes I need to just take a few hours for myself and relax, especially with Taron keeping my insides hopping lately.
To a blessed week, a new haircut, a great facial and a husband who will be home at the end of the week again, remember to be THANKFUL for all we have.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Feeling like a mom...

Yesterday I finally made the trip to Costco to get all the things that were on the coupons! I had been trying to get there for at least 10 days and I finally made it. It seems like a tornado had made it's way through the store before I got there, but all things on the list were finally found and purchased. The last thing on the list and the last thing in the basket made me feel like a mom............1000 wipes. Hey, they were on sale and really, if I start purchasing now it will help the budget later on!

So here is to my first mom purchase, 1000 wipes sitting in the garage and me feeling Taron beating me inside!

Happy Tuesday and off to get a new hairdo!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh Baby..........

I haven't been the best in blogging, but I hope to change that as I am trying to take more time to sit and rest since I am 22 weeks pregnant! We found out yesterday that we are having a baby girl and I still cry just thinking about it! She will be named Taron Christine Boyles after my mother, Judith Christine and her parents, my beloved Grammy and Bappe that have gone to there reward, Willard and Christine Taron. I feel so amazingly blessed right know that I have a hard time putting it into words! I hope that I can be half the mother that my mom and her mom have been and still are. God is truly good and we are truly blessed to be given this perfect little gift of life!

I hope to scan pictures of our little girl and get them posted soon!

Friday, May 28, 2010

It has been,

Well forever. So much going on always, but yet just a lot of every day life.

I was blessed to be able to spend some much over due time with Adrienne, Adam, Cael and BABY GIRL WOOTEN back in April. Oh how I miss them! This little boy will always have my heart no matter how far away we may live now!!

I also was able to spend two days at the Salinas Valley Fair in King City watching some of my favorite kids show their pigs and chickens!
The rest of my time is spent being a wife, daughter, friend and well keeping so busy down at the church!
All in is AWESOME!